Reiki Energy Services

Reiki Healing is a gentle energy practice that channels pure unconditional love energy. I believe this is such an incredible resource for mothers to utilise, as it is so loving, nurturing and relaxing to experience.

In a session I will connect to your soul and your baby’s soul, bringing in exactly what is needed at that time.

I can also incorporate Reiki into the other services I provide, such as Massage, Counselling and Doula Services.

Reiki Sessions

I offer an Individual Reiki Healing Session for 45 minutes, with optional add on services, such as Sound Healing or Head/Foot Massage.

Reiki sessions are offered in-person at my home clinic. Although Reiki can also be offered in a Reiki Distance Session - for more ease and convenience. This allows you to receive Reiki from the comfort of your own home.

I also offer Reiki as part of my Postpartum Care Packages and Holistic Counselling Sessions.

Mothers are welcome to bring baby along and I will do my best to accommodate you both.